Discovery Summit data vapor

A best-in-class analytics conference, hosted by JMP

At every Discovery Summit

photo of presenter

Paper and Poster Presentations

Experience and engage with the dynamic methods in which JMP users from notable organizations explore data and overcome obstacles.

Witness the methodology behind a class assignment, a research project, or a business application.

See past presentations

Meet experts

Engage with the people behind the software, ask questions about features and functionality, and give feedback that could influence future development direction.

photo of experts looking at computer
photo of people talking to each other

Learning, training, networking

Facilitate connections, conversations, and knowledge exchange among fellow data explorers with diverse statistical backgrounds from around the globe. At each Discovery Summit, cross-industry collaboration fosters growth and learning.

Plenary Talks

We put the spotlight on world leaders in technology, science, analytics, and more. Among many others, our speaker list has included Lucy Cooke, Hannah Fry, Malcolm Gladwell, David Hand, Jedidah Isler, Suzanne Simard, and Richard Wiseman.

photo of John Sall

Who should attend?

Current and future JMP users get the most out of these conferences. They share statistical strategies and analytic best practices with one another. But you don't have to be a JMP software enthusiast to benefit. All scientists and engineers, authors and researchers, statisticians and data analysts are welcome and can find inspiration for their fields.

Managers, directors, and executives, too, can connect with like-minded people working to make their organizations more efficient and data-driven.

  • photo of two womene watching a presentation
  • photo of people on laptop computers
  • photo of people talking to each other at conference
  • photo of man focusing intensely on a presenation

Most viewed presentations

  • Discovery Summit Japan 2024 - Handouts

    Discovery Summit Japan 配布資料(2025年1月16日現在)







    以下の1つのポスター発表と2つの口頭発表の論文 (ファイル名:DSJ2024_proceedings.pdf)


  • Predicting NBA Player Performance with a Positional Matchup Model (2022-EU-30MP-1008)

    While basketball is a team sport, NBA analysts, coaches, and fantasy basketball enthusiasts are often interested in the performance of individual players. Optimizing or predicting individual performances can have an impressive impact on the outcome of a game. Individual player metrics can, for example, allow coaches to target a specific defender or avoid distributing the ball to certain offensiv...

  • Discovery Summit Japan 2023 - Handsout



    本サイトは、Discovery Summit Japan 2023の配布資料を公開しております。





  • SVEM: A Paradigm Shift in Design and Analysis of Experiments (2021-EU-45MP-779)

    Philip Ramsey, Professor, North Haven Group and University of New Hampshire
    Wayne Levin, President and CEO, Predictum
    Trent Lemkus, Ph.D. Candidate, University of New Hampshire
    Christopher Gotwalt, JMP Director of Statistical R&D, SAS


    DOE methods have evolved over the years, as have the needs and expectations of experimenters. Historically...

  • Scaling Innovation: Integrating Data Science into Engineering Workflows

    Today’s engineering challenges demand more than localized solutions – they require scalable, flexible tools that integrate data science techniques into the fabric of data and analytic workflows. The JMP family of products enables engineers to move beyond routine problem solving by providing powerful platforms for statistical analysis, process optimization, and data visualization. This plenary se...

    Skill level: intermediate
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